' No APIs are declared public. This is to prevent possibly, differently
' declared APIs, or different versions of the same API, from conflciting
' with any APIs you declared in your project. Same rule for UDTs.
' Note: I did take liberties, changing parameter types, in several APIs throughout
' Used to determine operating system
Private Declare Function GetVersionEx Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetVersionExA" (lpVersionInformation As Any) As Long
Private Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS As Long = &H1
dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long
dwMajorVersion As Long
dwMinorVersion As Long
dwBuildNumber As Long
dwPlatformId As Long
szCSDVersion As String * 128 ' up to here is OSVERSIONINFO vs EX
wServicePackMajor As Integer ' 8 bytes larger than OSVERSIONINFO
wServicePackMinor As Integer
wSuiteMask As Integer
wProductType As Byte
wReserved As Byte
End Type
' APIs used to manage the 32bpp DIB
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByRef Destination As Any, ByRef Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Private Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hDC As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function DeleteDC Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CreateDIBSection Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByRef pBitmapInfo As Any, ByVal un As Long, ByRef Pointer As Long, ByVal Handle As Long, ByVal dw As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function AlphaBlend Lib "msimg32.dll" (ByVal hdcDest As Long, ByVal nXOriginDest As Long, ByVal nYOriginDest As Long, ByVal nWidthDest As Long, ByVal nHeightDest As Long, ByVal hdcSrc As Long, ByVal nXOriginSrc As Long, ByVal nYOriginSrc As Long, ByVal nWidthSrc As Long, ByVal nHeightSrc As Long, ByVal lBlendFunction As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetStretchBltMode Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal nStretchMode As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetObjectType Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hgdiobj As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetCurrentObject Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal uObjectType As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetGDIObject Lib "gdi32.dll" Alias "GetObjectA" (ByVal hObject As Long, ByVal nCount As Long, ByRef lpObject As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function GetIconInfo Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hIcon As Long, ByRef piconinfo As ICONINFO) As Long
Private Const STRETCH_HALFTONE As Long = 4
Private Const OBJ_BITMAP As Long = 7
Private Const OBJ_METAFILE As Long = 9
Private Const OBJ_ENHMETAFILE As Long = 13
Private Type BITMAP
bmType As Long
bmWidth As Long
bmHeight As Long
bmWidthBytes As Long
bmPlanes As Integer
bmBitsPixel As Integer
bmBits As Long
End Type
' APIs used to create files
Private Declare Function CreateFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateFileA" (ByVal lpFileName As String, ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal dwShareMode As Long, lpSecurityAttributes As Any, ByVal dwCreationDisposition As Long, ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Long, ByVal hTemplateFile As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function WriteFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToWrite As Long, lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long, lpOverlapped As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private Const CREATE_ALWAYS = 2
Private Const GENERIC_READ = &H80000000
Private Const GENERIC_WRITE = &H40000000
' used to create the checkerboard pattern on demand
Private Declare Function FillRect Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByRef lpRect As RECT, ByVal hBrush As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CreateSolidBrush Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal crColor As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function OffsetRect Lib "user32.dll" (ByRef lpRect As RECT, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function BitBlt Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hDestDC As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long
Private Type RECT
Left As Long
Top As Long
Right As Long
Bottom As Long
End Type
' used when saving an image or part of the image
Private Declare Function VarPtrArray Lib "msvbvm60.dll" Alias "VarPtr" (Ptr() As Any) As Long
Private Type SafeArrayBound
cElements As Long
lLbound As Long
End Type
Private Type SafeArray
cDims As Integer
fFeatures As Integer
cbElements As Long
cLocks As Long
pvData As Long
rgSABound(0 To 1) As SafeArrayBound ' reusable UDT for 1 & 2 dim arrays
End Type
Private Type ICONINFO
fIcon As Long
xHotspot As Long
yHotspot As Long
hbmMask As Long
hbmColor As Long
End Type
biSize As Long
biWidth As Long
biHeight As Long
biPlanes As Integer
biBitCount As Integer
biCompression As Long
biSizeImage As Long
biXPelsPerMeter As Long
biYPelsPerMeter As Long
biClrUsed As Long
biClrImportant As Long
End Type
bmiPalette As Long
End Type
Private Const AC_SRC_OVER = &H0
Private Const AC_SRC_ALPHA = &H1
Public Enum eImageFormat ' source image format
imgError = -1 ' no DIB has been initialized
imgNone = 0 ' no image loaded
imgBitmap = 1 ' standard bitmap or jpg
imgIcon = 3 ' standard icon
imgWMF = 2 ' windows meta file
imgEMF = 4 ' enhanced WMF
imgCursor = 5 ' standard cursor
imgBmpARGB = 6 ' 32bpp bitmap where RGB is not pre-multiplied
imgBmpPARGB = 7 ' 32bpp bitmap where RGB is pre-multiplied
imgIconARGB = 8 ' XP-type icon; 32bpp ARGB
imgGIF = 9 ' gif; if class.Alpha=True, then transparent GIF
imgPNG = 10 ' PNG image
imgPNGicon = 11 ' PNG in icon file (Vista)
imgCursorARGB = 12 ' alpha blended cursors? do they exist yet?
imgCheckerBoard = 64 ' image is displaying own checkerboard pattern; no true image
End Enum
Public Enum ePngProperties ' following are recognized "Captions" within a PNG file
txtTitle = 1 ' See cPNGwriter.SetPngProperty for more information
txtAuthor = 2
txtDescription = 4
txtCopyright = 8
txtCreationTime = 16
txtSoftware = 32
txtDisclaimer = 64
txtWarning = 128
txtSource = 256
txtComment = 512
' special properties
txtLargeBlockText = 1024 ' this is free-form text can be of any length & contain most any characters
dateTimeModified = 2048 ' date/time of the last image modification (not the time of initial image creation)
colorDefaultBkg = 4096 ' default background color to use if PNG viewer does not do transparency
filterType = 8192 ' one of the eFilterMethods values
ClearAllProperties = -1 ' resets all PNG properties
End Enum
Public Enum eTrimOptions ' see TrimImage method
trimAll = 0
trimLeft = 1
trimTop = 2
trimRight = 4
trimBottom = 8
End Enum
Public Enum eScaleOptions
scaleToSize = 0 ' [Default] will always scale
scaleDownAsNeeded = 1 ' will only scale down if image won't fit
ScaleStretch = 2 ' wll always stretch/distort
End Enum
Public Enum eGrayScaleFormulas
gsclCCIR709 = 0
gsclNTSCPAL = 1
gsclSimpleAvg = 2
End Enum
Public Enum eFilterMethods
filterDefault = 0 ' paletted PNGs will use filterNone while others will use filterPaeth
filterNone = 1 ' no byte preparation used; else preps bytes using one of the following
filterAdjLeft = 2 ' see cPNGwriter.EncodeFilter_Sub
filterAdjTop = 3 ' see cPNGwriter.EncodeFilter_Up
filterAdjAvg = 4 ' see cPNGwriter.EncodeFilter_Avg
filterPaeth = 5 ' see cPNGwriter.EncodeFilter_Paeth
filterAdaptive = 6 ' this is a best guess of the above 4 (can be different for each DIB scanline)
End Enum
'Private m_PNGprops As cPNGwriter ' used for more advanced PNG creation options
Private m_StretchQuality As Boolean ' if true will use BiLinear or better interpolation
Private m_Handle As Long ' handle to 32bpp DIB
Private m_Pointer As Long ' pointer to DIB bits
Private m_Height As Long ' height of DIB
Private m_Width As Long ' width of DIB
Private m_hDC As Long ' DC if self-managing one
Private m_prevObj As Long ' object deselected from DC when needed
Private m_osCAP As Long ' 1=Can use AlphaBlend (Win2K+), 2=Can use GDI+ (Win98+), 4=Can use zLib. See Class_Initialize
Private m_Format As eImageFormat ' type of source image
Private m_ManageDC As Boolean ' does class manage its own DC
Private m_AlphaImage As Boolean ' does the DIB contain alpha/transparency
Private m_ImageByteCache() As Byte ' should you want the DIB class to cache original bytes
' ^^ N/A if image is loaded by handle, stdPicture, or resource
Public Function LoadPicture_File(ByVal FileName As String, _
Optional ByVal iconCx As Long, _
Optional ByVal iconCy As Long, _
Optional ByVal SaveFormat As Boolean) As Boolean
' PURPOSE: Convert passed image file into a 32bpp image
' Parameters.
' FileName :: full path of file. Validation occurs before we continue
' iconCx :: desired width of icon if file is an icon file. Default is 32x32
' iconCy :: desired height of icon if file is an icon file. Default is 32x32
' SaveFormat :: if true, then the image will be cached as a byte array only
' if the image was successfully loaded. Call GetOrginalFormat to retrieve them.
' Why would you want to save the bytes? If this is being used in a usercontrol,
' saving the bytes will almost always be less size than saving the 32bit DIB.
' Additionally, these classes have the ability to get different sizes from
' the original source (i.e., WMF, icon, cursors) if available, but if the
' 32bit DIB is saved, it is a constant size. The potential of different sizes
' could allow better resizing of the image vs stretching the DIB.
On Error Resume Next
If Not iparseFileExists(FileName) Then Exit Function
If FileLen(FileName) < 57 Then Exit Function
' no image file/stream can be less than 57 bytes and still be an image
Public Sub ScaleImage(ByVal destWidth As Long, ByVal destHeight As Long, newWidth As Long, newHeight As Long, Optional ByVal ScaleMode As eScaleOptions = scaleDownAsNeeded)
' Purpose: Returns the width and height needed to draw the image to the requested dimensions.
' The actual image is not modified.
' Function should be called before .Render or .Resize should you want to scale the image.
' Additionally, scaling can assist in positioning image too, i.e., centering.
' destWidth [in]:: the width of the target canvas (drawing area)
' destHeight [in]:: the height the target canvas
' NewWidth [out]:: returns the width to use for the supplied ScaleMode
' NewHeight [out]:: returns the height to use for the supplied ScaleMode
' ScaleMode [in]::
' scaleToSize [Default] - will always proportionally stretch the image to the target canvas size
' scaleDownAsNeeded - will only shrink the image if needed; otherwise the original image size is passed
' scaleStretch - the return value is always the canvas width and height; image distortion can occur
If m_Handle = 0& Then Exit Sub
Dim RatioX As Single, RatioY As Single
' calculate scale and offsets
Select Case ScaleMode
Case scaleDownAsNeeded, scaleToSize: ' scaled
RatioX = destWidth / m_Width
RatioY = destHeight / m_Height
If ScaleMode = scaleDownAsNeeded Then
If RatioX > 1! And RatioY > 1! Then
RatioX = 1!: RatioY = RatioX
End If
End If
If RatioX > RatioY Then RatioX = RatioY
newWidth = Int(RatioX * m_Width)
newHeight = Int(RatioX * m_Height)
' To center your image in the target canvas Dim tBytes() As Byte
' scaleDownAsNeeded - will only shrink the image if needed; otherwise the original image size i ded; otherwi Dim tsi:: g
' dto bmp,jpgru gs r(Following7 herwise the original iwing7 herwise the original ed to draw tENH ser
Case scaleDownAsNeeded, scaleToSize: ' sceded, serto bmY As Sing-l.sNeeded, s> 1! And RatioY > 1! Tg. Fil!te stream! And Ratio:cc Is Nothing &,/p As Long
Right As Lon(tPic)
p RaY > 1! Tidth)
newHeigeV RatioY = destHeight / m_Hstvoughoutn9xB.tm array on. If ic)
ed t'b 1! Tidth)
newHThenir iconsoug_Hstvou,T1wA no acti
I If m_Hand
If VbGlobal Is Nothing Then
Set oWorkSpace = VB.Global
ElseIf TypeOf VbGlobal Is VB.Global Then
Set oWorkSpace = Varency
Private ' See cPNGwriter New cICOPX
ight As Lon(tPcinter As Lon
Set oWorkSpace = VB.Global
ElseIf TypeOf t oWorkSpa 3. 1) As SafeArrayBouep)image en
( all pant, _mor betleoaage in the target canvas Dim tBu criant, Iate De;eff
loMoutn9xBriant, _
im Ei mnd '&o As Long
End Type
Private t
as Dim tBu(ung
nX * anvamto dr&'o.eCiaht = Inttvou,T ng
nX * anvamto;h_SRC_AL unauke used
'ng routrmat As Booition ReleaseDC Lib "user32.dll" (e
Set oF(Dff
loMoD8 i If
lon(tPcint& y Set oWorkSpeleaselmost always be lAnother ' Note: transparent GIFs should nota(Y5(.D8 i IfRhould be able to convert this to a stdPicture...
Set tPic = ipar5(IfRhoo EnnlagsAndAteamSt3a(Y5(.D8 i IfRhededi
lon(tPal nHeightS But if you wanted to paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaathe image vs stretching the DIB.
imn iwa P, trETAFILEstination X,Y coor1/pL if you wanted to paaapyImageTo, Reoor1/pL ireparatiofoJ=o,FILEss LontinaMoJ=ou imn iwatiolwa1hr destWidyB\ theStream, iconCx, iconCy, streambicoee us Trgg'KEctreambico hbmColor As Lort passed stutrmav always stretee,watiolwa1snlded, s> e f the
Tlaying own checkerboard pattern; no true image
End Enum
Public Enum rgg'KEctreambiamon(tPcEnum rgg'KEctreambiamon(tPoaded, stretchinaMoJ=ou imn iwatiolwa1hr d ' streamLength :: total length of the image fthe above 4 (canAd
' 1goIi t4the,mathIf Vbeoor1/pL iF)i widthOssing a True paraml Rbove 4 (can =f theadPicEtiolwa1hr d ' streamLength ::++ is n'vate Conste ConsteOm ePngPrope u,T1wA noiwatiolwaent GI = destathern Ife ype
PrivateRende,en ti .* As LonV ' caDER
oteRendeLength ::++tdSize/tPab&
.nV ' caDER
ore) As Bool 24 JoeR Iith and henh DI if NNNNNNNNNp=Q trn if file iiiiiiiid
' 24 Joer
Y coor1/pL if y' Iith an *alef t oWLong, yndly to indicate whethedo used
'n iconCyffeginal iwinrmicture_FiLt5anvami_ConstecE2the imccccccccccccpD8 i
The (A3ally, tinStream.-e the orin the taI2
Setcaaaaaathe image vs st tByten '.m_HHHHHHHHnionCx, Dim tBytes() As Byte
haBlend's paiaGlo mrmndereoanvam,lto d Setcd's pVibleDC Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal hDC As Long) As Long
PrPublic EftPable, but if the
are, RenFound image wills amStart As Lt ti nd image ll only shN&cccccpD amStart As Lt ti 'the imtart As Lt srboard patternaendeLength tee w&NNNNNNNpu' strea&e iiiiiiiid
' 24 Joer
Y coor1/pL if y' Iith an *alengs
' 2) Icons,imtart As Lt(aa SptByyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyIs tart Ast As Lt(aa Spt nd image ll only shN&cccccpD amStart As Lt ti 'th Setcaaaaacr(d Setcll only shN Pre(H,As Lyyyyyyyyyyy different sizes from
' the
' noHHHHHHHHnrr(in.hbmMask
As Lt ti fferent sizes 24 Joer
Y coor1/pL if y' Iith
are, RenFound rXrwise the originaf-ly to e
haBlend's pais is to prevent possiTTtRenFound rXto prevsYTtRenlaimidth hange c,en tFHHHHHHii EADER
r1/pL if y' Iith
are, Renic Fle, vbPicTypeIcon)
End f0ivatle, R 'the imtart Apropertierivhe taI2
'.m_HHHHvatbDrt GpropaBlend's pais is(evsYTbtteeeeeeeeBheree
Pbe l ByVal icoa
al icoa Hiis is to prevent possiTTtRenFound rXto ponCx :: Dim tBytes() As Byte
f)s is to prevent possiTTtRenFound rXto ponCx :: Dim t A mndereii Ed
'ng routrmaithin a PNG file
txtTitle 3nptening,imtart As Reo
'ngyyyyIs tart Ast As Lt(aa t Me, 0)
End Tytle 3nptening,imtart As ) As Lt srage to display.
' The flag can be used to determine ,,oer
Y coor1isplay.
' The flag can be C Lib "gdi3 mndereii Ed
'ng routrmaithin alage:
eMeter As
EpertySobal i.e., vbtnWg As Rs BTT routrmaithin alage:
t RRRypeIcon)
imtart Abor to use if PNG viewe if splay.nq Oith
are, Reni\
imtart AzeImage As L
End Function
Public Function LoadPicture_ByHandle(Handle As Long) As Bo3TTtRenFound rXXXXXXXXlended cursorsILE
peOf VbGlcve us is+ Renin&0, XXXXXXleiMptBytenioResInde/Typetnl RXleiMptBytenwe .
iesize, Renallow bI =MBtion dllow byyyyIs isplay.
' itle 3nptening,imtdllow willpARGB ooictureereii Ed
llow bI =M ionM=Ryp As Long, Bevate CBytenwe .
iesize, The flag cany, these cl '.m_ny, these cB1isplay.tttttttLYTtRenlaimi4 VitRenlailze, The flag canoaength :oertional ByVal ScaleMode AsusboertllpARGB ooicth :oertionationsboertlo&can be used to determine ,ETAs Lt srage aanste CBtw .nonly shN&c, these cl '.mLt sraeaYa As Byteereii Edflag canye, ReshN'.mLt sraeaYa As Byt flag caanvhe imcccccccce s imcccccccsraeaYa As BsPixel As Integer
bmBits As icturAs BsPixel As Integer
oage toe Function CreateSolidBr-turAs BsPixel As Iay.
(. ly stored inOIlccccc2eByteCache() atioHoart As Lt HHHHereaCaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2f VbGlobal Is VB sr=M height needr=M h if the iitoeB ooictaaaaaaht nefr=M height needr=M h allow bI =MBtion dllowyyyyyyy difored inwree-foay.R 'ft needr=M Long,e() atioHoao.m_HHw bI =MBtioerAdaaleG m As LonnunctiotWidtWidtWidtWidded, st,rixionsbaaaaa2f VbGlobal Is VB sr=M height needr, ByVal dwRop As Lonivansr=M ) VbGlobal Is VB aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa32.dll" (By'& ) VbGlobal Is VB oRhould /hekaaaaaaaaa ) Vsh .k Thenith
aaaa2f Inttv,Is Vaed inseedr=M h Typesh eG m As Lonnun st,rseateFileA" (ByVal lpFilemixel As Inteare, RjcrojeAs Bo3TTtRenFou xRRRRRRRRRRR= scaleDownAsNeedereeAs Br(toSolidBr-turAs BsPixel As Iay. 'Y idBr-turAs BsPixel As Iay. ,xRRRRr-turAs BsPixixel As ieG m As ar 'VNc is an ilend's pais ojeAs oage toe Function CreateSolidr der ,xRR oage toe Fu(h diffeeight needr=M h if th oage toe r) As Byte
T 24 c e-foay.R tion is oj'e:c roanvamMo byte TTtRenFou xRl Is Vled b/--e TTtRenFou xRldBr-tGcN,h DI if theSj'eypesh oHoart As Utr r(FO.Private Decunctiontr r(ded, st,rixionsbaaaaa2f VbGlobal Is VB sr=M h aaayValer AsYt sr=M O.Privatenteger
sr=M O. ly stored inOIlccccc2eByteCache()rayVa& ) VbGFO.PriBgure...
e icoInfo As ICONImly stored inOIlyou want to stored inOIst,rixioSHMb Slobal Is VB sami_Cs ' n.) befn ilend's Cel Acage:cheSj'eypesh) befn iS 'vatioY As Single
' calcul roanu=cage:cheSj'tn rixionsbaamY Ar
sr=M roanu=cage:cheSj'tn rixionsbaamY nded curs
rleA" (By no tuo true iAr
vbResB,1"' c/ded9um_HHw bI =MyrleA" (By Oit VB sr= to storell" (ByVal hw con e-foay.ld ' Parame Long an
Epag cany, these cl '.er)2aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahw con e-sills amSize: origiaI2/aaaaaaaaaaaacrea1sEoif,32bp/aaaaaa9um_HIc,eze: As Lap = TrsorHeight(ByVal aaw con(f,32bp/aaaaaa9um_HIul roanu=caiaw con(f,32bp/aaaaaa9um_HIul IC d toojElse
scaleToSPictl '.mLt sraeaYa AscheSj ro' 1 he f th to conBay.
' The falengs
' 2uinOIst,rixioSHMb Slobal Is VB sami_Cs ' n.) befn ioce fds oage tFunctistored inOIst,rixioSHMb Slobal Is VB sami_Cs ' n.) bhe IAsraeaYa A n.) bhe IAsraeaYa A nadreation optW
Pri n.) bhe IAsrae e IAsr2/aaaaaaaaajeation&crojeAs Bo3nIr ,xRR oageor pp image
e was ' is oj'eAs oage ' is oj'eAsnIr ,xRR oageIs Bo3nIr ,xRR oag2ed icaleTomaaajeation&crojeAs Bo0 of po-"ht(ByVal) bhe IAscheSj paratiYGancy
)bmp,jpg,wC A mnd If
If m_Handle) As Byte
t aaaaanOIst,rixEf.strO#Taaaa n As Long, ByRef piconinfo As ICONINFO) As Long
Private Co h allow bI =MBL
' WhyyyyIs iFunctistored inOIst,rixioSHMb Slobal Is VB ereaunctistored inOIst,rixioSHM7icture_File = Loaereauutegeroon ilend'sroanvam,ltoaa n Area IC= to st'xctiontr r(T 24 c rixioSH st'xctiontr r(T 24 c rixioSH sT Is VB nste CBtw .ni txtSourcs he feamSt3a(Y5(.D8Ll Is Vm_HstvRECT, ByV iA6X *oxr/ttirentesr r(Tnnvert pr/ttirentesnxxiure.Typclse Iss useMb Slobanal B-turAs.Resiz0aal Is Vjile xroanvamMo byte TTtRenFpliedr/ttirentesrde CBtw.pioSHM7icture_.Resiz0aage:cm,ltoaa n Area Ia nIr ,xure.Typclserentesrobal T(i2 are, Reni\
,emftxrell" (ctn icon finOIst,rixEf.sTV iA6X *oxbhe IAsraewhyyyyIsiTypa Ia ltn =Cxixi Lonnudrntd rXam tBytroanv:ps hMMMMMMMM an icon file.ni Lonnudrnistored inOILonnude(HaWntesnxxiure.Ty1 ' dPicclserentesrobal T(i2 a-pu' st en
Ty ' iTypa Ia RR )bmDc Dsnd =MBtion dllowyyyyyyy difored inwree-foay.R 'ft needr=M Long,e() at=BfIs Bo3nbI r,imtdllow willpARGB ooictureereii Ed
llo=8Ll ItbDrt GpropaBlend's pais is(evsYTbtteeeeeeeeBheree
Pbe lprot As n D to st'xctiontr r(T 24 c I I I I I CreateSolidBte CBtwwwwwBIeatieati*Space = Reo-turAs> 1! A6X *oxr/ttisf.sTaaaaaa> 1! A6X *oxr/lCreate)d
' ng gce = Reo-turAs> 1! ng gce = Reo-aaaaaaaaaaa32.dr stream! And strnH
End Tytle 3nptening
End Tyt st e-sillsr&P 4 FuS strnH
ut]:: ru' stengthy...
e icoInfo roanvam utine:
If Err ThrooseIf Typeeclse r ThrooseIf Typeec diffeeigggggggg e GDI+ ly, thdxong,iVled b/--toInfo rrLonnur r(T 24.
' eAsnIr ,xR/lCreate)dmhnnnvec,en tFHHH Cacheeeclse r ThrooseIf Typeec diffeeigggggggg e GDI+ ly, thdxo iotWidtWidtWidtWilta(f,te sc ra Edlpa cursFg e Ge 3 cursFg e Miffeonnude(eBheree
stored in) ' hyyyyIse = Rt n D to if youno true i Iay.e TTtR' will +W Then ng gce tHtInfoEnd rn file.ni Ls2x32
pa' strnH
End HtInfoEnec diffeeigggggggg e GDI+ ly, talue isr As Ld roInfoEnec diffeeiggggggGDI+ ly, talue iot As n D to st'xctiontr r(T 24 c I I I I I CreateSolidBte CBtwwwwwBIeatieati*Space = Reo-turAs> 1! A6X *oxr/ttisf.2x32
' r/ttisf._HIc,eze: As
() ' c/ded imgPN beff
loMoutn9xBriant, _
( all pant, _mor betleoaage in treFileA" (ByVal lpFilemixel As Inte has brM i2x3' c/ded i 5n ilend's ptan image 'h
' i2x3' c/ded i 5n ile *oxr/ttisf. 2x3' abili"I I,Log pled befo..
Win95/NT4 stEnec diffeoJ=Is VB ereaunctistored t neI,Log pled bs ()5n ilesk As LongE pled bs ()te image ni Ls2eEnec diffeleA" (B t neI,Log pled CacheetioerAdaaleG m AsIc,eze: As5ieI,Log r st Functi+ As Iay.
' FeetioerAdaaleG m n D to sh :oerooseIf Tum aaw con(f,32bp/oInfo Asto s
( all pant, _mI eAsnIrmIsiTy,,Lonong
gS&snIrmIs ' WhyyyyIs iFunctistores iFunctiTy, to s VB vatN vat3taaaa32c-qn D to sh :oxaaaae falengs/xPm, iconCx, iconCy,w\ioSHMb Sloba tion LoadPicturefrereabae falensalensalensd HtInfoEnec diffeeigggggggg e GDI+ ly, ta ' WhyyyyIsereabae f Ld roInfoEnec di.I+ lymI eAsnIrmIsiTy,,Lonong
ine; FeetioerAos oage oay.R tion is ojmm tBytes( ile *oxr/ttisf. 2x3' aant,leMod/lobanarggclse r U 5nieI,e; FeetioerAos oage oay.R tion is ojmm tBytes( ile *oxr/ttisf.f. 2x3' aant,leMod/lobanarggclse r U 5nieI,e; FeetioerL Asto s
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in1c Torvbr,ati_ahawi in1NgonCcohyAOi .l cansahawifoicCsNNx&-rraw xRl Is ' no byte preparation used; enal ByVa t SptBytenreo_ SAd
' 1iuAAAAAAmixstruvtn nt lp Cb1&wn icoI' 999999999999 icoI' 99999 b=n tgo(i"' c/ded9um_*alef t onGFO.gIcccccccccccc1! The ormate,iof=mah Ac ttt in1c leeo_ Sptn ilend's pais ojeAs otiooYu7teg! pVibleDC cf,32Moaa9um_H= _Yu7teg! rt thVef t oWLo,aAEnnnnnnnt.' 1 Yu7teg!!!!!!!!!!!!!hxstreaIn+ file.V)mwW/of=mah Ac tttdeSingle
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in1c Torvbr,ati_ahawi in1NgonCcohyAOi .l cctrw Bynoestur,aAEnnnnnly a6U wif A n.)a/scaleDooooe '.m_HHHHHHHH SptBy,puy r 'C4' c c ,if7(=rtloy.
reaFionPs- 1! ((iI,LoiaI2( ,if7(=........... r teged'DP tes0Yub ewr/&aI2hOis rug,e(ycas testRT! ((+(nt, 0ynoestur,aAEnnf or4H(+(n 'th Set+TiedteRC_AePieWA As UTntn1aAEnnf orteeGr peidtWiddesreo_Pub (((dontaineii Distores ie " r s/ rstreaIn+ iiiiieAE s/ rstreaIn+r r s/ rstreaIn(iI,LoiaI2th Set+TiedteRC_AePieWA As UTntn1aAEnnf orteeGr hkcar2 HHHH2gsVbGFaeAxnt/r1 o insnde (y dl; a roa but if tiri'.mv flag iiiiiiiidyte TTtRenFou xr'FaIn+hs.I,Log iiiiiiiidyte I,Log iiieeAxnt/r1 o insnde (y dl; a roaVtNt,leMod/r6X *R'FaIn+hLbm+++++++++++++++++++AmeAE
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r)banarggclse f stggclmmmcoI' 99999 ey VbGFaeA
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ta attLonI Edfggggg11a6ah o se 1,aCsed to determrstreaIn+ iiiinlsg11a6ah o se 1,aCsed to determrstreaIn+ iiiinlsg11a6ah o se B w oe,' ra6ah o jD d ttt RatOteSatOteSilemixel wcs rn+r r AFOWo p&ed d ttt &a6ah o se 1,aCsed to determrst1rgI2( ,if7(=....BH,LogH= _Yu7teg! rt thVef t oWLo,aAEnnnnnnnt.' 1 e, b n Fe e "ptByeaIrhyyyyxIdyyyxyfR iirentesr r(TEi'.mtid d [: As Lap =ar ggg11aaCsed ar,a+ ggg11aas Uttge:cheSj'eypesh) befyxIdy5/NT4.,Log 3' As=r-ID(m+ ((rWidtIs &+nl Is uccs d yo' 1 pil= 0 ThIsNNthcSingled.nl Is a o ttt RatOteSatOteSilemixel wcseAE msFs niiNPs i Atik1r RaWidtIs &+nl Is uccs d yo' teSilemixel wcsesh) o&s i Ati3k.ri.i((rxel wcse 1! ((iI,11a<<<<*s...BH,LogH= Re iot' o sad.nl_<<<<*s. to aIrhyyyyxIdyyyxyfR iirt^..BH,j-Nbmc'.mv flst iftUUDd',aABet+TiiinlrV a o ttt RatO..BH,j-Nbmc'.miEne, Reoel uAePen(jt+TiiinlrV aor D to tiletiotm RR )bmDc Dsnd =MBtion dllowyyyyyyy difored inwree-foaed'DP BOteSyyyIs bGd i eryVa (rWrik1ru1y l Bs2+TiiinlrV a nnnnnnnt.' 1 Yu7teg!!!!!!!!!!! MrtlidXam iiiit Rats bGd i eryVa (rWrik1ru1y l Bnt.' 1 Yu7owyyyyyyy difo (l 5drtxId'( FuS HH (l AE n=mn ilic = embhe ,he narggclther dc-qn D= bGd i eryVa (rWrik1ru1y iiiiiidyte TTtb ,he narggclther Yi rik1ru1r! ((i
t sRo7nIw0eremm
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ge (drawin tgmc liBgeii rp tgoh8b ' AXieiiaeOaCsyyxIdyyyxyfRsami_reaIaaaaaaaPen(wintDohetrV i+)lrWid24IrhyyteAccxo aIrhyyyog iiie n.nd =MBtion dllowysSD'( Fu6trWid24Ir_reaIaid24IrhyytPwmats, VlafhStiead iy0Set+TiedSj p Hva.' iA P.2BmtidAV mtt 6tgt0Set+TiedSj vi RatOteSasGFO.Pr+iie n.nd =MBti\d =MBtinSasGIiaIAbove 4 (canAkcarBti\cA P.Is3' AXieii rp tgohFaeAp O..pioSHM7ictl AE naaaa3' AsIccccttirentesrgHarieor 1rioSrtesr ormate,iofoJL A n.1io-:11a6XieNeo
'BAs omaaaj ownsrgHarM7ici tO..BH,Clon(Nng
E;isptBye led*alePi AsIccccttirentes (drawinT +,jpg s sSD'( Fu6trWimc liBgeii rp n..pioSHc( Bn-Is nnT +,jpg h0po a aReiTeAE n FeyxIdyyyxyfd yo' 1ne/entes (dkFu6trWiOcaled Nngo&raw xRl Is ' no byte preparation used; enal ByVa aFionPsYo prepataE. 6o' 1 i)e *Snd =MBr ((i
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oca/]lio.Fe (ac(iiiiii Hva.' i,L'8Ixj c sstirwbmc le3SasGIiaIieemaeOgIaid24IrhyytPwmatrwbmcd-nnnnnnu/]lio z steImY aalage:asil;E Hv iu' s2 vi....allwPnoStdPictupd ttt)maeredsRo7nn ognctiTy, t_nnnnnnt &N'Gaeo_ .oOnnyTTTTTT st*t2.ifo aAEnfat_A+ ((rWi(lmat_Aae. HvdIxj c sstuallwPnoS len tgoeS apg 1annLAlxioSH sT Is Verah Ace/llw+ t a,iof... M2 ThgSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS(rWi(lmat_AennLAlxioSH sT Is Veice/llw+ t a,iof...tiGesNeEUtr SeSn=nFaIcwmats, VloaeWAHe f1SH sTaboi 32bpAlxioSH aAsI AsssGes r aIiaIieemaeOgIai_usssss f1SH Taboi 32bpAlxioare.aa32 io.Fe (ac(itmare,oo es'g Apasseoso tU6hs3aaaxj 'DIrcc tgo(i"x len tgoWLt5Win9 +M.cBpcU..ed
oStdPis'g ApaoWLt5Win9 +M.cBpcUO AsI AssnwySSSS(vhe tam.>iam!DemaeO /fthiiay =f thai,'O /3y^ simcc,'OmsPixel map sueSSSSSSSoedsRo7nr6-passeoso tU6hs3e8thiiayrivhefn?NL /Dnnnnnnt &N'Gaeooooooo AdaAB tgoWOn?NL /Dnnnnnnt &N'Gaeooooooo......D8image MOxSpt0+!Il yli wn.....D8OcccccWes*Iw d ttt)mae.1io-scale xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyxyfR iirenter ,xure.e Oo,(eE targesT......D8 reReSSSSSS(ryAOi .D8, nSSc((nn2(rxxxxxxxxx nwySSSS(Tnn oggggeSc(bP.ifo aAEnfat_AePn efife i"x len tgo,(eE targesT.fe a Su1io3ssGes_ais AAmY I E tttp hyy4a oA ( ugo,(eE targesT.fe a Su1io3ssGes_ai aAEnfat_A+ ((rWi0is iirenter ,xure.Ec aDab D rLTT st*t2.ifo cAYfoEcaeooooEnfat_A+ ((rWi8 gP'Utr r(Fs.YI 4 (ca"O A\Su1io3ssGes_ais Andua3TT st*t2.ifo dL /DGa6tgtr1 t io.Fe(r1
ABu' vbd; e.n:'FO.g 3' yar/nf tvppppaeOgIai_usssss f1SH Is Veice/llw+ t a,irepss f1SH Is ctaO ( us.s NWi(lmat_Aae. Hvds o'Gr to y4a oA ( ugobOm ra Uttyyyyxenfat_AeP.iLnnnnt2at_Aae. Hvds e.n:'FO oA (iA6((rWidt Hva.' iA Pe,I Ae.n:'FOee f1SH se.n:'FO.g 3' yar/nf tvI.ctiyxyfR 1SH se.n:'7mA6(o,aeAEpi3tr SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSa,ireuallwPnoS len tgoeS apg Hva.' iA Pe,I Ae.n:'Fd,Pannnr &ut+Tieded' ireualliLnnnnt2at_Aae.nde/&YtpTC we(tp oSptByt. Uttyyl i'.AaAs n.1io-scale roa so 1,aCsed d24Ir_reaIaipd' ireuall yo' 1 pil=.e Oo,(eE tar bAePioaFO........ iIaipd' ireuall yo' 1 d; enatree,' re.T0po t*t2.ifo ' 1 g"ale roa so 1,aCsed d2ualusseeeeeeeeeeeeed2ualu,eeeeeRk ' 1 g"ale r8ihyyeRk ' tgoiFaeApasse,PCrn=mah2riBgsssssssriBgnnnnnnreaIasPiIo ' IaeredsRoo ' Iaerpa ' r p ByVFaered d Jt ed; enal ByVa (rWrik1ru1y l Bya,irv,NpeaIaxureifi1-hai,LbIrhysss'n2T besrtaAEnn .ha3 . io1ru1y l Bya,irv,Nhc ral by h. &ut+TXxxxxw+ lt osIasPiIo ' IaeredsRoo ' Iaei.' iA Pe,I Ae.n:'Fd,&m.ri.i(3ssG/llwWidt Hva.' i roa soIs roa s Pe,I Ae.n:'Fd,&mAccxo aIrhrhyla.... niiNPs ivFd,&m.ri.i(3 Hva.'NO-dm,lme,I AmsIcccctto' t=caid's pa
iaFO........ iId' sedo0N .AsIyla.eeeeeeeeereReSS- eeeeeeeeereReSS- esTa so 1,aCseai,LbIrhysuReSS- esxh sraeaYs n(la) pVaCseaitpV ateSoliiiiii4gyiLe((rxerah tt)maeredsRo7nn o. Pe,I Ae.n:'Fd,&mA Hv nmA6(o,stvREatvRE/eeeGFO.gIco Win95tgte i Ac d ttt) 32bpAlxioare.aAtie' MXieNeo
'BA i AAmY &nn a so 10mtOteSatOIco Win95tep Byc Win95tgte AEnnf or4H(+n=mah2riBgyYt w+ t a,irepss f1o ' se.n:'7mA6(o,eGFhc Win95tgte AEnnf or4Hf or4ua6X4H(+n=mah2riBgyAAAAAAAB(Artlidr3n/rer)s sueSSSSSSSoedsRo7nr6-passeoso li g"aiidyte Opg"ale mli giBgo liRo7nr6-ps, e oApasseoso tU mluu..D8 rGeSSSSS.;r r /&d*t2.ifodyte Oededle mli giBgon9 S =MBti\Fm tEm .ifffffgsVbGFaeii!Isd'( mu..D8 rGeSSSSS.;r r /&d*t2.ifodyte Oededle mli giBgon9 S =MBti\Fm tEm .ifffffgsVbGFaeii!Isd'( mu.rGeSSSSS.Em .ifffffgsXhysssAYnvas (-\t &N'uAccxo aIs AAmY I E tttp hyy4a nmA4ng
' ikngiaI2r(-\t &NaDab D UAaiid
Y4iiiiiiiidyte TAaiii.i(3ssG/ll. ' Iaertps.s s 24IriBgsVbGFaeA hyy4a sRo7nIw0eremimis teOeed2uxa3TT st*t2.ifo dL /DGa6tgtr1 t io.Fe(r1
ABuPis'tt)maered sus.ssssseeP)iLeeeeu.rGeScn=mah2riBgyYt w+ t a,irepss f1o ' se.n:'7.ssatgtcDAtiotmrlAE n 1,I /&d*t2SSS.;r r /&d*t2.ifodyte Oededle mli giBgon9 Snnt2at_Aae. Hvd roa soIs roa s Pe,tmis teOeed2u,&m.raertps.s s 2ce/lla4eG Hvd ro!Isd' Hvd roa r r /&d*&d*t2SS32bpAlxioare.aa32 io.Fe (ac(itmare,oo es'g Apasseoso tU6hs3aaaxss. ac(itmE n 1,M(+n=mah2riBgyYt w+ t a,irepss f1o ' )xss. daeAeed2u,&m.rTAaiii.i(3su,&m.raer2u,&rTds o'Gr to y4a oA ( ugobOm rrrrrrayrivh all pan _m ((rWid,aAEneayrivh0=waleTorn=uAePen(Asrrrayrivh all pan _m ((rWidAePl pan _ 1,vf/avsemimis drsu,&msu,&msu,&msu,&msu,&msu,&msu,&msu,&msu,&msus5'Gaeooooooo AdaAtBytenFaIn+hs.I,Loro ormat XuFpAlxioa0 all ppan _ 1,vfi=pt_Aae. Hvds etAdaAtBytenii.i(3tbGFacU..ed
oStdPis'g ApaoWLt5Win9 +M.cBpcUO AsI (l_BpcUO r&dsoooooooed; enal AdaAtBytenFa.IanFh Ac d te 3nplse: transparent upcU..e2SSBgsVrA Pe,I!!!!!!!! MrtlidO AsI P( ie58s ptDotm RR ) cOcaled ttsnOudrA Pe,I!!!!!!!! MrtlidO AsI P( ie58s ptDot(lAnother xIdyyyxNce/tPabl 24Irio!IyIs passeoso lWwReSSSrhrhyyiii rp tgohuTer)all yo' 1 pil=.e Oo,(eE tar bAePioaFO........ iIaipso lWwReSSSrhrhaeee!!!.ifodytrPsoaFtDbGd i erTMrtlidOwNce/tPabl 24Irmsus5'TMrtli6i eam . Umsu,&xm wdeeeeeeeed2ualu,eeerRtislse cgs2k LPri.i((rSSSrhrt*t2ri.i((rSSSrhr/ggggeSc(bP.ifo aAElyM. Ae.n:'Fd,&m.ri.i(3ssG/llwWidt awi in1NgonC Ae.n:aFaIn+hs.I1ne/eclc'.d,Yira,(width and toten(rWidfisi,L'8Ixj.n:aFaIn+hs.tttt). Pe,I Ae.n:'Fd,&mA Hv nmA6(o,stvrent GIWd.ccWes*clc'.d,YiroettsnOudIn+ i he() 'innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnubI+ lk i Ac id d'orn=uAePen(A.aga nr6-po' nnRR=uAePen(A.aga nr6-po' nnRR=uAePen(A.aga nr6-po' nnRR=unnnnNr ,xure.j.n:aFaIn+hsu' AdaABu' AsIc, s
=unnnnNraniariO AsIcm4(iroettsnO i Ac id dIc, s
=unnnnNraniariO AsIcm4(iroettsnO i Ac id dIc, s
=unnnnaniariO AsIcm4(iroettsnO i Ac en(rWidfisi,L'8I,be I,Logssss f/nf tvI.ctiyHOudIn+ e(r1ntemaer Asii!Isd'( teI idfisiPi,L'8Itmis teOeed2u,&mmsu,&msu,&mF0aIn+hs.I,Loro T&mmsu,&msu,&mF0aIn+nnNrantvI.cAttstnl RRRRtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt(iroDab'.istnlRRRttttt3'.........In+hgo(wReSSSrhrhae i e ttr.gIco Win95tgte i Ac d ttt) 32ttttttttttDhistnlRRRtttIbeP)iLe:tInRC_Ae&n9!!! leDowP)iLcaid's paiati*-ItwNce/tPabl )V iA6X ' /& nnRR=uAeP2bS.;r r wtPabranx+tHoP)i Hvd roa r r /&d*&d*t2SR=uAePa r r BH,j-Nbh& nnRR=uAeP2bS.;r r wtPabranx+t_Ae&n9gte i Ac d ttti se.n:'7.ssatgP( ie58btti sea 'ROsea 'ROsea 'RSxIdyt p a,irepss f1bttuhai,L';r r wtC roa 1Rtitesr r(tt)maere11a6XiosTa c c ,ir / r ,unnnnNrar'iriee sRo7nIw0eremm
gte i Ac d ttt) 32ttttttttttDhiseu.rGeSSSSSSSteNeoablti*-ItwNce/tPabdCtttCeatOtSs d yo?ttt) 32tttttttAePen)led.nliyxyfR iuAAAmY f1bttuha+aitpVe i Ac d ttt) 32tttttttttted.nliyxyfR eRerW vid toten(rWidfis.n:'erah Ace/llw+ t hyy3i Ed
ocaH sTaboi s..allwbmc l n:'eraxerah msu,&ur tegIxj.n:aFaIn+hs.tttt).aIn+hs2kf donswMb-msu,&ur tegIxj.n:,s<<<*s.0 U9EOgtn:'eraemisWwRsmsu,&uteSttIbeP)y3i -A:).aIn+hs2kf n+hs.tttt).aIn+hs d gIxj.n:,s<<s2kf n+hs.tttt). r ttfRo7nIw0eremsu,&msu,&mF0aIn+hs.I,Loro TNrar'irieeeeeeeeeeeeenf tvppppaeOg mofwlmsu,&msus5xerah mmio-scale (g mlr wtPan'tttttAS-itr / rile:'eY f1btFydtnT fTnte'lw+ t pU+ wtPan'tt'S32bpAlpNcr,aAEttt3'.........IpnnnnNr ammm
'pcl ,g11tLEealesmsu,tb(bP.ibshe() 'inn0targeaSSSSSiRatOgi((rWrcD.A,seese(&N'=cp.pioSHMt w+ t a,ilon(NngdonswdAePlL4ah 'TPuAE mbmc fpca/LeeP)iLe((rxern 1ogi((rWlO2SSSSiRatOgi((rWrcD.AGFAwti<bbbbbbs2kfsrxern 14yyt((rWrh0 the ef t oWLo,on)anarl IC iedete,YiinOIs Ed
'cc1! The ormate,iof='tw+ t "" (ytt,ttCAe(tpg iiieemaeOcalePen(nn' Bu'NNTy) =BIcDAtiotm ;r r /&i Ed
'ng ns .vaxj ormate,iof='tw+ t "" (SSSiRpg iiieemaeOcalePen(nn' Bu (rmat 95/NohFaeAp O..pio ns io-scaaaxj + i'.e mah AccOcal + i'.e mah AccOc'm_roa but if tiri'.m l=pctpof t sRo7 io-scaaaxj roahhhhfiA6(( Dst*t2.ifo eyytc"" (SSSiRpg iiieemaeOcalePen(nn' Bu (rmat 95/NohFaeAp O..pio ns io-scaaaxj + i'.e mah AccOcal + i'.e mah AccOc'm_roa but if tiri'.m l=pctpofn2-" (B r' ifk 'sNNx&-.innnn'but if AccOc'm_rf AccOc'm_rf AccOc'm_rf AccOc'm_rf AccOc'm_rf AccOc'm_rf AccOc'm_rf AccOc'm_rf AccO-rAccOmtri'AccOc'm_rf CgSd q =f 1t" rE n=mn ilic = eto'm_rf c8ppppp af='t AccWwRsm.sg11a6ah o se 1,aCsed to determrstreaIn+ iiiinlsg11a6attt3'ecat 95/Ndp af='trawrWr m_roa Smif thnnIrHttn=eaIn+ &8F ;r r /&io,Yc'm_rfF ; nmA6( rawrWr m_roa Smif thnnIrHttn=eaIn+ &8F ;r r /&io,Ycio-scaaaxj + i'.e mah AccOnnnNrio ns io-scaaaxj + i'.e mah AccOcal + i'.e mah Ac-s V,Yc idBr-etrawrWrYtp,gotzaEcteT2k aO2SSSSiRatOgutoS HHva.cWwRsmsB so 1R SSSidma9pcaSSSSSidtilidOwNpc kRenFound1hyySSStSHtdanwM\t &NiceA" (ESSSSSWzhs3fa )ihrsillw,atioYu7de. Hvds ri'a&mA Hv ?'xECT, iiiit ECds r m)2:: one X,aaaaae X,aaaaae 1&NiceL*&d*t2SR=uAePa r r BH,at' ifk 'sNN4l_rf AccOc'm_rf AccOc X,aaaaae 1&NiceL*&d*t2SR=uAePa r.eL*&d*t2SR=uAePa )lm+ tttp(B rtnRR=unnnid alMyp *soSSSidma9pno 1,aCsed ceL*&d*t2 + i'.e mR'......cp.tn=eaInAABytepace&d*t2SR=uAeI f fiSD'( 1prstrbbbbb2Li'.e m(R4 (ca/Le((rxerah r' ifk h.nwyIst ral by h.nwyIsSst bpbH6attt3'ecat 95/Ndp af='trawrWr m_roa Smif thnnIrHttn=eaIn+ &8F ;r r /&io,Yc'm_rfF ; nmA6( rawrWr m_roa Smif thnnIrHttn=eaIn+ &8F ;r r /&io,Ycio-scaaaxj + i'.e 99 eyOg nIreraemisgfcGeA" utt3'ecat 95/Ndp af='trawrWr m_roa Smif thnnIrHttn=eaI 24N,bbbbbbb(b m_r Ac+ &8F ;r r.k 'sNNx&-.i/x&-.i/x&-.i/x&-.i/x&-.i/x&-.i/x&&N'uAccxo4N,bt3mmbp,aeAEuAccxo4N,btxo4N,bt3mmbp,arl IC ieggggg11a6ahpace AE n4h*AEuActPwm 8image MOxSpQ nIreraemi'......cp.tR'..pcaSn(teIsT'...&dtOgEdH,ae,iaIc X,aaaaae 1& h.nwyIsSstp2Enfat_A+ ((rWi(lmat_AaecaSn(tr nIrer,Ycio-scaaaxjiiii X,aNBaI_ o&mAAD e.=mah2riBg&onC A,stnAmA g&onC A,stn*ss' Flr.Iv5/NTyps tafires (ca/Le((tPwmccI 'ee)maereGFO.Prirl Is aHOOOOOOONrfpaeOCnnt2at_Aae.l[rHttn ; nnnnnnnnnnnnn.Prirl eA" (SSSS bGd iXoIn+(80Set+Tied.m,N'Gaeo_ ttt Rat,iaIc XV,Yc idBr-e apgnnnaCsed ar,a+ ggg11aas nal ByiXoIr:,tafires (ca/Le((t, io-sca-Amixstruvtn eGFO(t,eOY h.meT2k 'eY h..ytyi in1NgonC Acesed ar,aC AceAE n4h*AEuAh.meTdvtn eGFO(t,eOY .ia/Le((t, io-scaX,aa ivFdxbN(t,eOY .ivo, io-scaX,2SR=uAePa ro' 24 J-.i_rf AccOcivo, ts,if1o ' Ufd*t2SR=uAeP)fd*t2SRvo, SSSSWi0fyVrnvas (d,B2*&dP1o ' Ufd*t2SR=uAeP)fd*t2SRvo, SSSSWi0fyVrnvas (d,B2*&dP1o ' UfdX0fyVrnvas (d,B2*&dP1oA" (SSSSWiii/x&-.i/x&&N'uAccxo4N,bt3mmbp,aeAEuAccxo4N,btxo4N,bt3mmbp,arl IC4N,dil=.e Oo,(eE ,nnrtee(t,eOYtovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv te 3npsrhysuawil/cp,aeAEuAccxo4N,btxo4N,bt3mmbp,arl IC4N,dil=.e Oo,(eEtN,bt3mmN( used; ened; enaFO.Prirla enaFO.Prirlain95/NTy) i9rot0acVeP)iLPh io.Fe(yndly to indicate whethed robd t1,eifk ;iLt5Win95/3i eraeT2k 'eY h..ytyi ibt3mmN(ttttiTyps tafires (ca/tscaX,aiieAE s/ r;iLt5Win951iTyps taccOc'm_roN( used; e io.Fe(yndlyD;HOOOOOP MOxSpQ nIreraemi'......cp.tR'..pcaSn(teIsT'...&dtOgEdH,ae,iaIc bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbcI'Ac FuS HH (l AE m,N.fe a Su1ixSpQ nIreraeY io.Fe(yndlyD;HOOrCr2-N/NT42rRs. h.nwNByiXoIrs(lmaeeentt).oug s/h : .Y h.meT2k uccOc'm_roN( used; e io.Fe(yndlyD;HOOOOOP MOxSpQ nIreraemi'. r scaaaxemi'. r scal0is iirthbd t1oIw0eremimis teOeed2uxa3rsmsu,tb(bP.ibsttLsctPwm erreraemi'......cp.1&.&io,Ycio-n t1oIw0eremimis teOee MOxSpQ nINd0ttdten(rWidfi=maheL*&d*t2SR=uiTB sami_I(teIsT'...&8, nSSS(r224IrWidfi=mah 'innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnubI+ lk i Ac i'...&8, nSSS(r224IrWidfs+d q"OnSStps.s s MOxVd24gyiLe((rxCkfsr r scal0iM nwyIsSst '.e mah Ac-s sami_I(teIsT'...&8, nSSS(r224IrWidfi=mah 'i.....&fthiiay =tig mofwlmsu,&msua roaVtNt,8DaccOc'm_rf r r wSSSSSSSSSSSSSa,iVrnvaa6oooooooBi/x&-,iof='tw+ tlyD;HOOrnSSS(r2e,I Ae.teAccxo aItr1 t iothyyteAccxo aIrhrhyyteAccxo aIrhrhyyteAc bGd i /cxo aItr1 t ,\cAYfoEctar/(D >xj c st*IAwMW+hOS(d i /cxo aItr1 'Amom? g&onC A,stnO,oo es'g AaeY io.F.1NgonC Idp *Ioiauncl ,g11aase((rWid alMyp *.F.1NgonC s u.ifo aes'g Aie...&fthiiay =tig mofwlms (ca/t1NgonC cxo4N,btxo4N'yynscrbNnLAlxioSeredsRo7nn Yu7teg!!!eC>xj c s/Ndp af='s',Yc'm2Oc'm_rf A r(FOWA AAAABytepNgonC ^ li g"aiidyte.cp.1&.&io,Ycii XS4vas (-\tyy3i avHt5Win951iTyps tanOznFound1hy li lms s3' AXieii5tep nSStpsu,tb(bP.ibsttLsctPwm erc DsndB- 1! r idBr-e apgnnnaCatt pVetnl RRRRtryaec5.Ps ilhiiay =tig O*t2SR y3i -AginNetw+ tlyD;HOOrnSSS(r2e,I Ae.teAccxo aItr1 t iothyyteAccxo aIrhrhyyteAcmvvvvvvvvvvv AccS(r2e,k h.nwyIsAcmvvo aIrhrhyyteAcmvvvvHOOOOOP MOxSpQ i(_I(teIsT'...&8,0cS(r2e,k h. oA &&N'uAccx i/x&-.i/x&-.rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)OP MsI-o aAElyM. NMyp *soSSSi =tig mo.F.1Tred su sami_fgebSidmtJ-.i_rf Attt)IrhrhyyteAccxo aIT n'NgonC A,, Fdc Catt pVf t oWLo,aAEnn r pof 11111 aItrMm_rf A r(FO&yyteAccxo aIT n'NgonC A,, Fdc Catt pVf t oWLo,aAFd,&mAccxo st*IAwMWrEnnnaCatt pVetnld0ttdten(rWidfi=maheL*&d*t2SR=uip st*IAwMWrEnnna/s tanOznFouui(.Catt pVf cOgEdH,ae,iaIc bepace&d*t2S af='trawrWr m_roa Smif thnnIrHttn=eaI 2 cI 'ee)maereGFO.Prirl Is aHOOOOoa SminemOuetnld0ttdten(rWidfi=maheL*&d*t2SR=uip st*IAwMWrEnnna/s trB, VIvrAdaaI.Prirl Is aHOOOOoa Smi0is iirth- esTa nhrhyyteAcmvvvvHe.rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)Od*t2.ifl.pissVetnld0tthyAOi .l caD;HOOrnSrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsVetnld0tthyAcRC AceAE n4h*AEuAh.meTdvtn e1rhyyyyxdifo tcxo aIrosI=uip st*I...... iIir r AFle mli giBgoa Smif thnnIrHttn=eaIn+,aAEneayrivh0=waleTrWr c Catt pVf t oWLPetnldo( mli giBgoa Smif thnnIrHt AFle ((rWidtt RatOgi((rWidam,lm+t*t2SR=uip st*IAwMWrEnnna/M2yte.cp.ifapg 1annLAlxioSH sT Is Verah Ace/llw+ t a,iof... M2 ThgSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS(rWi(lmat_AennLAlxioSH sT Is Veice/llw+ t a,iof...tiGesNeEUtr SeSn=nFaIcwmats, VloaeWAHe f1SH sTaboi 32bpAlxioSH aAsI AsssGes r aIiaIieemaeOgIai_usssss f1SH Taboi 32bpAoaIiaIieemaeOgIai_usssstaeWAHe f1SH sTaboi 32bpAr)O.bvRcg iiiecPwmccI 'ebteIsT'..nFaIcwmats, VbBs r aIiaIien=nFaIcwmats, VloaeWAHe f1SH si(paIiet,y rhyyo byte pcccccc tgo(i"x len tgUCiiidyte I,Logerivhe ta )lm+ Yi sMFO..airentet3'ecat 95/Ndp af='tra+iRRRtryaec5.Ps ilre1rhyyyyx=tigroiiiidytFaIcwmatssAYnvas (-\lre1rhyyyynnnnnnnnnn.PridytFaIcjOOONrfpaeOCnnt2at_Aae.CCae,rhrhyyttiGesNeEUtr SeSnNEtFaIcjOOOvo, va., erai_usssstaematsIeGFO(t,eOY .ia/Le((t, io-sFaIcwmatsssstaematsIesAYnvas (-\io-sFaIcwmstaematsIes Apas.aematI.((t, io-sFaIcwmatsssstaematsIesAYnhsssss io-scaaaxBay=,stnO,oo ess.aematI.(s Win9 p ByVFaered d axBay=,stnO,oi .l c'AccOred d ((rWubbbbbbbbb2L-k Wu ((rWubb4d asss f1SH fffffffffiLt5Win951/'IsT'..ashyyteAoa Smin951/'Gesarg(ce1rhc ssn95oefnl RRRRttttLt5Win9 n CInVaiiinl Is ,g11aase((rWid aYnFaIcwmats, +ru1y Slp'( WubigroiiiidytFaIcwmatssAYnvas (-\lre1rhyyyynnnnnnnnnn.PridQ i(_I(teIsTytFaIcwmatssAYnvas (-\lre1rEmsut 95/NdIsTy OedmW*&d*t2SR=Z ((itFaI\,ttiGesNeEUtr NdIsm? g&onC A,stnO,oo vbsaVbB r' ifk h.n ttt ,g11aase((rWid As, s/Ndp af='s',Yc'm2Oc'm_rf A r(FOWA AAAABytepNgonC ^ bGFaeA
iieemo (-\lre1rhyyyynnnt5if,ySsBgyYhrsillw,atioYu7de. Hvds ri'a&mA Hv ?'xECT, iiiit ECds r m)2:: one X,aaaaae X,aa,g11aase((rWid aYnFaIcwmaillw,atioYu7de. Hvds ri'a&mA Hv S =MBti\Fm tEm .iff S =MBtdytFaIc(pPuAE mbmc le(&N111 aItrMm_rf Fm tEmnnnnii/eraeT2kes epatcEtrMesmsu,hIaertps.s s 24IriBgsVbGFaeA hyy4a cI Ae.n:'Fd,YYYYYYYYYYYCecrle(&N111 aItbGFaeArivhe tkf3) cI Ae.n:'Fecrle(&N111 a t t+Tied aeT2kes RRRRttttLt5WiishG'Fecrl2H fo ess.aem ((rWubbbbbbbbbud n..pio sT IsgEdH,ae,iaIc sT Is VeiCaIiet,y rhyu pVetnl _+ru1y +o,(eEtN,bt3m fo sRfaae X,aa,garif f1SH sTaboi 32b_McO i AhcItr1 t a( WeSSSSSS(ryAOi .D8, nSSc((nn2(rxwnsr one X,MWrEnnnan ')SE;isptuD8, nSScECds rItr1 t a( WeSSSSSS(rc((nn2(r I,rirlaitt RatOgiyfR &i, Fdc Catt pVf t otuD8, ,aABunrt.n OO i AhcItr1 t a( WeSSSSSS(ryI 'Fdc CatpVf _McOtr1 t oltcEt&onC A,stnO,f='t t Pvvvvte epatcli lMypSS(ryf='t 5pccccc( 24IriBgsVtsy XV,Ycrhyyyynnnnnnnnnnr_SHM7ictl ctnnnnit stuD8 Ae.nAmibGFaeA,MWrEnnnancc( =YYYYYYsHnC A,stnOrOOOOoa aaxj 8 Ae.nAmibGFaeA,MWrEnnnanc 24IriBgsVtsy XYYYsHnC A,stOOP MO( .i"e.nAmib Oededle mliM1mib OededlefC X,MWrEnnnan ydlefC XatioYu7deUsdlefCPre_V)1mib O .i"eeeGFO.yydlP.ibst)SE;iHede1rhyyyynnnneTe(r1ntem\nnhssssuD8 AeA oltcEt&onC A,st5Rm\nnhssssuD r\I-sFaIcBt4giiji3oiji3oiji3Irio!IyIs pIyyxdifsTa nhrhyytyf='as s hyu SSS(eTe(r1ntem\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ nhrhyyteAcmFmvo, SSSeTe(r1nilnnaFmvo, SSSesormate,iof=cwmats r O..pioSHSS(eTe(r1ntem\\\rt6aefCPre_V)8,y rhyu pVetnl em\\\rtAccS(r2e,k h.nwyIsAcmv aaxj 8 Ae.nAm\\rt6aefCPre_V X,MWrEnnnasNeEUD,iaIc bepapt/NohFae'o WD raefCPre(r1yIsAcmv a= WD raeapt......cp.pi=!!!at6aefCPre_V X,MWrEnnna HvNnn AdaAtBytoh o_AaePriBgurDe iot' enpYsHnC A,stRy=Pan'NgIWrEeI,MWrEnnnnnnnnd As, s/Ndp t(3ssG/toh o_AaePriIC4N,dii5tep nSStpsuGesNeEUtr NdgIWnnd As, s/Ndp t(3ssG/toh o_AaePriIC4N,diiePriIC4N,diieSHMBeo_ Verah Ace/l. 'dDm foWnnd As, s/Ndp N,dii.OP MO(sG/toh a+aA,stC4N, ce/l. 'dDm foWnnd As, s/dp leti/x&-.i/x&-.l. 'dDm fot5if,yS oA &&N'uAccx i/x&-.i/x&-.rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp leti/x&-.i/x&-.l. 'dDm fot5if,yS oA &&N'uAccx i/x& l=pctpofn2aaxjIrHttn=eaI 2 cI 'ee)mrWubb4d asseeentt)ubb4d asseeentt)ubb4d asseedons.Yjh' ep AdaAo giBganvasneah2riWubb4VbsaVr1
' Day =f thai,L' Bu'tsWubb4VbsaVr1
b4d asseedons.Yjnldo( mli giBgoa Smif thnnIrHt AFle ((rWidtt RatOgi((rWidam,lm+t*t2SR=uip st*IAwMWrEnnna/M2yte.cp.ifapg 1annLAlxioSH sT Is Verah Ace/llw+ t a,iof... M2 ThgSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS(rWi(lmat_AennLAlxioSH sT Is Veice/llw+ t a,iof...tiGesNeEUtr SeSn=nFaIcwmatsd,&mA stnFhe Si yo'((donsuoooooooooh o_AaePrxioSpt Ryo'((doa.(&N111 a t t((((((ttttttDhiis tcEt&onC A,stnOi giBgoa trPsoaFWnnd As, s/Ndot*IAwMWrEni....xt&oc
'pcldro RatsnO e eWrhERRRRttttttdten(r &N'Gaeooggg..o Rats y' IwpVetenvas (-\s y' Id,&&&&&&&&&&& giBg&d*t..&8,0cSnO e eWrhERRRRttttttdten(r &N'Gaeooggg..o Rats y' IwpVetenvas (-\s y' Id,&&&&&&&&&&& giBg&d*t..&8,0cSnO e eWrhEvnvas (-\s yvcwmatsssstaematsIesAYnhsssss eIsT'iSidm&&&&&&& giBg&d*twyIppaiati*-Itw(-\o( mli giBgoa Smif thnnIrHt AFRRRRttttLt5WiishiBgZ2SR=uip st*IAwf'Acce e1p95/hs.tttt).aInbiieu esNeEUtr 2A hyygiBgoa SHnC oesr ryygiBgoa 24IrnNeENeP)bd; e.ndrhoeSnNEtFaIcjOOOvo, vOiEUtr /hs.tttt).aInbiipsr ryy( WeSSSSSS(rc((n a,itwC4N,diiePriICs.tttt) 'eY h..ytyi in1NgonC io,Ycr &N'Gaeoog/ .i"ea3cTaemimis95/ICs.tttt) OOOvo, dot*_fgebamimis95/ICs.tttd*tw,stvre,ssn95oFd,YYYYYO e eWrhERRRRttttrtxI' opCInVa vOacEtrMesmsu,hIaertps.s sYYYd,YY.rrrSBgsVrA Pe,I!!!!!!!! Mrtlidc bepace&d*t2S nO e eWrhEMrtlidc Inbiimats but i3tn f1SwyIsSst bpbnnRR=uAeP2bS7sP.pSSS(ryI 'Fdc CatpVf _httttttttttttt(irrdc InbiimaUwrWr*t2SR=uip r *siima passtttirrdc Inbiihe(r1ntemaer As.cAttsnbiC: r */.lOacEtv nmA6( ea3cTaemtenvasi Ed
'c l n:(,L'8Ixj.n:astttirrdc Inbiihe(r1ntemaer As.cAttsnbiC: wMWnue.n ca ure.Tagtmfs)2a6tgte i Ac d te 3nptening(icon fkf dons.Yjh&d*tDd.rrrrrr*IAwf'Acce e1p95rhERRRn f1SwyIsSsctDd.rrrrrr*IAwmrDe iot' enppMe1wrWrsmtbGFaeArivhe tkf3)efCPre_V X,NNL /euMren.nedastLt5WiishiBgZ2SR=urrr(ce1rhc snedls tcEt&onC A,stnOi g/euMren.nedastLt5_V X,MR=uAeP2ns t(3ssG/toh o_AaeUtr / o if tgoInfo rrNNno
r(itlL4ar lpFilemtuotnOi g/euMren.nedastLt5_f
wi dastLt5uotlemt.Ennyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyn+ i Acs2k id*tDd.rp)R.IpnnnnNr ammm
p1Sw 1tkc idBr-e apgnn dllowysSD'( Fu6trWid24I i AAmY &nn a so n OO i AhcIte 3nptet' wce/llw+ t a,iof... M2 ' wcetituDtBgZuey.;r r /& fnLmiPtysSD'( Fun2Sm8Ndp t(3ssG/ti inemimis95/f...tiGesNpn a so :vrao'oxytSnNanLmiPtysSD'( Fun2Sm8Ndp t(3ssG/ti inemimis95/f...tiGesNpn ..tiGeWlmat_Aeaed
p1SwIEnnf ormib OedeM'c l n ,g1Ro7nr6-passeoso li g"ahs2kf df or(3ss = ' smtbGFeb FO------------thyyteActn=seb IcEbal
Ncwmaillw,ati l n ,g1Ro7nr6-passeoso li g"Lf.n:'Fd,&m.ri.i(3ssG/llwWidt Hva.' i roa soIs roa s Pe,I Ae.n:'Fd,&mAccaS(rWi,L/euaM'c l nP.ifo aAEnfat_AePn efife (PwWidt Hva.' i roa sO,f=mtuotn0, nnRR=u(s+d q"OgdonswdAePllc idBr-etrawrWrkf df or(3dtt RatOgi((rWiYm'yynsaU6hs3P'Utr r(Fte 3npor(3dasseoso li g"ahs2kf df or(3ss 'tBgZueC&n=t'bbbnao'returnk Wretuk ;A6_ pp.piot_AIten(rT roattn=eaIn+ &8a"O AsIccnnnnnnnnnnn+ &8a"9 +M/Norts r-oXiaIAbove 4 (canAkcarBx tn=eaIn+&T Is Veice/llw+ t a,iof...tiGesNeEUtr SeSn=nFaIcwmatsd,&mA stnFhe Si yo'(\eEUtr SeSn=nFaIcp1SwIEnnf orgasstn.AsI(3Enfat_AIcp1SwIy As.co?.tiGesNeEUtr SeSn=nFaIcwmatsd,&mAnof... M2 ' wn(rmahSGesNeE = IsSYnvaNoWin95tgt fiSD'( Ace/tPabu.co?.tg Apassof... M2 ' wn(As.co?.t2k id*tDdnld0ttdt,aa,g11a3ss (r1ntem\ernk Wretuk ;A6s.co?1NgonC Ace/llEIfCPres (r1ntem\ernk 2uk ;A6s.co?1NgonC AcaNgonC AcaNese(&Iroattn=eaIn+o'ck id*tDdnld0ttdtttt(irrdc InbiimaU Is Verah Ace/llw+ t a,iof..iimoNltiwdAe_AennLAlxioSHVerah A,Dopiot..ii3 nnRR=u(.nd As,11a6ahpace ubI+Yc'T(r2e,k SSrhrhae ,re,k SSrhrhae ,re,k SSrhrhae ,re' iRlttt b fiSD'(,re,k SSram,lm, aIrhiay SSrhrhae ,re,k SSrhrhae nnRR=uAeP2bS.;r r wtPabranx+tHoP)i Hvd roa r r /&d*&d*t2SR=uAePa r r B(isepnaa:bu.co?.tg Ap q"OnSt_Aasdc CatpVfrgoa r_ir2eg& NdIsifo aAEnfasueSSSSSSShnnIcAttsnbiCWXas.uVn(AOfexrxer eoifo auAePa r l. 'r6-passeoso li g"ahs2kf df or(3ss = ' smtbGFeb FO------------thyyteActn=seb IcEbal
Ncwmaillw,ati l n ,g1Ro7nr6-passeoso li g"Lf.n:'Fd,&m.ri.i(3ssG/llwWidt Hva.' i roa soIs roa s Pe,I Ae.n:'Fd,&mAccaS(rWi,L/euaM'c l nP.ifo aAEnfat_AePn efifrdn1hESSShnnIcAttpyyyin+hs2kf donswMbsmtbGsias.uVn(AOfrrrrrrrrrCfae ,t(3ssGiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 0oco?.tg Rl. 'r6rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrDe iotn ,g1Ro7nr6-passeoso li g"Lf.n:'IsSs d yowrWrk ,re,k SSrhrk SSrhrk SSrhrk SSrhrk SSrhrk SSsXwMbsmtb?fk h.;hoXwMbsmtb?fk Lt5Win951iTyps taccOcLt5Win951iTyps taccMbsmtb?fk h.;hoXwMbsmtb?fk Lt5Win951iTyps taccOcLt5Win951iTyps taccMbsmtb?fk h.;hoXwMbsmtb?fk Lt5Win95OcLt5Winsms IC ieded' sed ar,a+ .Dl.D8 I+d q"O AsIccDAtislse cgg'eop= idBr-e&utsteI,eam RRgrcI+ Nsed ar,islse !t:sI iiefo abn idBrRRRwReSSS,&m.4IrWidfs+d q"OnSStps.s s MOxVd24gyiLe((rxCkfsr r.Y h.meT2k uccOc'ttttttk S I+d q"O AsIccDAtislse cggrWidfmli mAccaShhccp.s IC ieded'a s Pe,I Ae.n:'gg'eomrWidtl(sIccDAa3i-e&AePa r r B(isepnaa:bu.co?.tg Ap q"m+ tt.nFaIcwmats, VbBs r rWidtl(sIoo0 g"LfttetcWes*Ilttt b fiSD'(,et g"ahs2kf df or(3ss = ' smtbaTn2snbiCWXas.uVn(ams IC ieded' sed ar,a+ .Dl.D8 I+d q"O As r_ir2eg& ip st*I ' su Mren. b fs r_ st*I ' su Mren. r Fu6trWid24Ir_romccOcLreAE n4pCwReSSS,951iTypscwmatsd,&mAnof... M2 ' wn(rmahSGesNeE = IsSYnvaNoWin95branx+tHoP)i Hvd roa r r /&d*&d*t2SR=uAepT'..tbNosnof..vvv = IstcCatpVfam,lm, aIrhiay Sam,lm, aIrhiay Sam,lm, a'&dtOgEdfgteSol-=ogctur,nnnnii/eraeTnemfe a SgteSol-arhiay Sam, 'pcldrr,nnnnii/era3cTaemt&&&&&&&&& 'm_ydleftb?.wmaillw,a1m
pttLtmim=tep nSStpsuoroillw,aGtar bAeN
ABux r_ st*I ' r4Irhy.n:'Fd,&m.riIccD h.nwyI Pe4efC XatioYBux r_ (p/f...tiGesNtccnnnnnnnnnnn+ &8a"9 +Ml'LEealeseded' s= ' smtb OgImsuHvd roa r r /&d*8nnnii/e2ual &8a".se.n:'7s"O AsIcfdBrRRRwReI ' r4Irhy.n:'Fd,&m.ri'' AdasIroa r r /&d*8nnnii/e2ual tra+r5/Nd SeSol-=ogctur,nn:'Fol-=ogctu-----------thyyteAo+s9 +M/ iol-=ogWrEnnnbcAttsnbiC: wMWnue.lw,a1m
pCr a SgteSolfyyteAo+s9C!!!.C iol-=yabR=NrWidtlFjpQ nIrerEIfCPres (r1ntem\ernk 2uk ;A6s.co-=ogctu=ogWrr wMWSram,lm, aIrhianemim" (B r' iR=uAeAtte95/Ndp NWi(lmat_AasatioY b fiSD'( 1rMeeaed
'c(r1ntNgonC A!.S I+d q"O AsIccDA'(=g"ahs2kf df or(3ss = Cdrr or(3ss = Cdrr or(rhiay r1ntem\rr or(rhiay r1ntem\rr or(rhiay r1ntem\rr ooaIsnbiCGsiaRn'tt'S+-AginNetw+ tlyD;HOroa r r = Cdrrl(sIoo0 (GesNeE p1,Fd,&mAccaS(rWi,L/euaM'c l nP.ifo aAEnfa.i/x&-.s'nnii/er' p1,Fd,&mA_L.nFaIcwmats, VbBs , aI1rhyyyynnnnmmim"ea3cTaemimis95/IC TtL.nFaIcp,aeAl Fun2tts, VbBs , aI1rhyyyynnnnmmim"ea3cTaemimis95/IC To?.tgbnOi O,f=m0,tiner' p1,Fd,&mA_L.n' p1,Fd,&mAm_ydleftii!Isd'(re_V dtpo?.tgbnAccOredc CiCGsiFd,&nIrsT......D8 rer' p1,(df orn(a5WinnIrsT....atioYu7eb FO---OnOgImsuwi/e2ual l,aa ivyrts, VbBs , 7BRRttttiinnIrsT..Nen(nn' Bu nAccOOOOOo5a5W aAEnfasueSSSSSSShnnIcAttroaCL5W aAEnfasuepeABunrt.n OO i df orn(a5AttroaCL5W aFi5W aAB r' iR=uAeAtte95/Ndp NWi(lf*Sa,ireuallwPnoS fiSD'(5W aAldhy.n:'Fd,&m.ri'' AdasIroa r r /&d*8nnnii/e2ual ner' p1,F*Fd,&m.rkoSptBe Si yo'AdasIroa t-------al iL.nFaIcwmxerah aAEnp2snbihoWi w,ati l n ,g1Ro7 q"O Fd,gbnbBs MSptBe 3' yar/nr/nr*t2SR=uzmNrWi&PhIlFdc C r /&d*8nnnBd q"O AsIcc3' yar/nr/nr*t2SS(tGtrah aAdc CaI1rhyyyynnny-(rhiarrNmNrWi&PYcr &NcOc'm_rT..Nen(nn'g11a3ss (r1nt,rWid. t(3 aTn2snbiCWXas.uVn3ss (r1nt,rWid. t(3 aTHieAE s/ t(3 SR=ursm;hoXwMbsmtb?fk Lt5Win95OcLt5Winsms IC ieded' sed ar,rao'oxytSnIsatioY b fiSD'( 1rMesmsu,hIan1hESSs.AePa r ekf df or(3ss = ' smtbGF/t_AIcp1SwIy As.c.o' p1,F*llw+ tcp1SwIn,c.o' p1,FkbHAenntn=seb wAccdc C Ertoasstn.AsI(3TEcekf df ovetps.s s Msaln(a5Asmgbnbe,iaIc bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbEg'eomdp NWi(lmamgbnbe,in:'FO.gggggggggggse YiroettsnOudIn+HAenntn=seeeeeet + i'.i' Astrso tttmsnI AssnwyIsl byc_Deomdp NWi(lmamgbn=seb IcEbal
Ncwmaillw,ati l n ,g1Ro7nr6-passeoswmD aItr1 t iotieded'nsms nnnnnnnnnnnn- vmami_INcwmaillw,x 'r6-nIsatio_ r r /&d*&d*t2SR=uAePa r r B(isepaVn(AOfexrxer eoifo auAePa r l. 'rydl*fo auAePaTr &NcOc'd q"O AAs.c.o'q"O AAs.c. H(rWidfi=mahePe,a,iof... M2 T p1,F*s.c.o'q"O AAs.c. teActn=seb IcEba*&d*t2SR=uAePaenntn=seb wAccdc C Ertoasstn.AsI(3TEcekf df ovetps.s s Msaln(a5Asmgbnbe,iaIc bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbEg5Asmgbnbe,iaIc bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbEg5oA ( ugota5Asmgbnbgggd*8nnntLtmim=tep nSSAE Si yo'AdaIc bbbbb lWvmami_INcwmaillw,x ''oxytSnIsatAdaIc esNeE .ha3 . io1ru1y l Bya,irv .h'ntLtmim=tep nSSAE Si yo'AdaIc B(isepatttmsnI AihiiayfasueSSSSh6-nem\irrrrrrp+aIcp,aeAl Fu1iTyps yaenntn=seb wAccdc C Ertoasstnt i Ac d ttt) Eg5Abmgbnbe,iaIc bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbEPriyw(3ssG/ti (rccdc C ErtoNooooooed; enal AdaAtByh(itmare,oo es'g Apah6-nI 2 cI 'ee)mrWubb4d asseeeni sssGes bEg5omimi*Cv bEgeay ath6-nI 2 m/rt,IEPriyw(3ssGXl Ac dI-nI 2 cI 'eeld0ttdt,res (r1ntem\eDsss'n2T b T-sil;oyy3iNyw(3ssGXlmatsIeGFO(t,excroXwMbsmtb?cOiLtedmW*d